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Dive into Bridge Assault, a strategic Gelsoft challenge in Cheshire that tests teamwork and tactical skills in an exhilarating bridge crossing battle.


  • Dynamic Gameplay: The game involves one team attempting to cross a bridge while the other defends
  • creating a fast-paced and thrilling environment.
  • Tactical Team Roles: Clear roles for the assault and defensive teams
  • encouraging players to use different tactics and strategies.
  • Adjustable Difficulty: The number of defenders and the amount of cover on the bridge can be adjusted to balance the game’s difficulty.

Package Includes

  • 3 Hours of Supervised Gelsoft Games
  • 6 Hours of Supervised Gelsoft Games
  • Gel Blaster Gun Hire
  • Safety Gear (Including Camouflage Outfits)
  • Strategy Workshops
  • Time for a Birthday Meal Break
Regular price £19.99
Regular price Sale price £19.99
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Hierdie missie, "Bridge Assault:, "is ontwerp om 'n intense en strategiese speletjie te wees wat individuele dapperheid en spankoördinasie aanmoedig. Die dinamie om een span te fokus op kruising, terwyl die ander verdediging 'n opwindende atmosfeer skep waar strategie, spoed, en vaardigheid is sleutel. Onthou om die spel te balanseer deur die aantal verdedigers aan te pas of beperkte dekking op die brug te bied, om 'n uitdagende dog bereikbare doel te verseker.

Voorwerp: Die primêre doel is dat ten minste een spanlid die brug suksesvol oorsteek sonder om geslaan te word, terwyl die opponerende span probeer om enige kruisings te voorkom.


  • Aanrandingspann: Die missie van hierdie span is om ten minste een lid die brug suksesvol oor te steek. Die span kan strategieer om lede een op 'n slag of in groepe te stuur, afleidings te gebruik of 'n gekoördineerde aanranding te skep.
  • Verdedigende span: Geposisieer strategies rondom die brug, hul doel is om enige kruising te voorkom deur die aanvallende spelers met Gelblasters te merk.
  • Teamtaktieke: Die aanvallende span kan rookskerms, bedek vuur of feints gebruik om die verdedigers af te lei en hul kruising te help.

Safety Warning:

  • Not suitable for children under 14 years
  • Do not aim at eyes or face
  • Use under adult supervision
  • Always wear protective eyewear


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Key Benefits:

Encourages Teamwork: Bridge Assault promotes teamwork and coordination, essential skills for any tactical game. Players must work together to devise strategies and support each other in achieving the objective.

Enhances Strategic Thinking: The game requires both teams to think critically and plan their moves carefully, whether they’re assaulting or defending the bridge.

Improves Communication: Effective communication is crucial for both teams to execute their plans and react to the opponent’s strategies.

Promotes Physical Activity: Players are constantly moving, running, and dodging, providing an excellent way to stay active and fit.

Builds Bravery and Confidence: Players must be brave to cross the bridge under fire and confident in their team’s strategy and execution.

Recommended Game Types:

  • Infiltrator vs. Defender team setup
  • Strategically challenging flag locations
  • Mandatory protective eyewear and additional gear
  • Strict non-contact policy
  • Adult supervision and referees for fair play
  • Pre-game safety checks and clearly marked boundaries
  • Comprehensive rules briefing focusing on safety
  • Regular hydration and rest breaks
  • Emergency preparedness with a first aid kit on-site

Book now and let the adventure begin!