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Вальвет Худы:

Вальвет Худы:

Wrap yourself in luxury with the BlasterMasters Signature Velvet Hoodie. Crafted from high-quality velvet for unparalleled softness, this hoodie combines iconic craftsmanship with elegant comfort. Featuring ribbed cuffs, vibrant orange strings, and a unique rear picture, it's the epitome of casual elegance. Available in sizes M to 4XL, it's designed to fit your style and size perfectly.

Атрымлівайце асалоду ад беспрэцэдэнтнай мяккасці і плюшавай тэкстуры нашага высакаякаснага аксаміту. Гэтая тканіна выбрана з-за яе густога мяккага ворса, які неверагодна гладкі на скуры, забяспечваючы нотку раскошы пры кожным нашэнні. Аксаміт, які выкарыстоўваецца ў нашай талстоўцы, - гэта не толькі эстэтыка; гаворка ідзе аб прадастаўленні сэнсарнага вопыту, які павышае ваш камфорт і стыль. Яго насычаная тэкстура і глыбіня колеру ўзмацняюць агульную прывабнасць худзі, робячы яе выдатным прадметам любога гардэроба.

Дызайн і дэталі:

  • Культавае майстэрства: На пярэдняй частцы грудзей намаляваны культавы лагатып BlasterMaster PVC, дбайна прашыты падвойнымі швамі для трываласці і стылю.
  • Элегантны камфорт: Рабрыстыя эластычныя абшэўкі забяспечваюць шчыльную пасадку, а плюшавы аксаміт трымае вас у мяккасці.
  • Яркія акцэнты: Аранжавыя завязкі талстоўцы з чорнымі кончыкамі дадаюць яркі кантраст, павялічваючы візуальную прывабнасць талстоўцы.
  • Унікальны штрых: Фотаздымак ззаду дадае элемент нечаканасці, вылучаючы гэты худзі сярод астатніх.

Памер і пасадка:

  • Сярэдні (M): Ідэальна падыходзіць для аб'ёму грудзей да 88 см (34,6 цалі), вышыні да 170 см. Эквівалент UK-S.
  • Вялікі (L): Ідэальна падыходзіць для аб'ёму грудзей да 92 см (36,2 цалі), вышыні да 175 см. Эквівалент UK-M.
  • Вельмі вялікі (XL): Падыходзіць для аб'ёму грудзей да 96 см (38 цаляў), вышыні да 180 см. Эквівалент UK-M.
  • 4XL: Прызначаны для аб'ёму грудзей да 108 см (42,5 цалі), вышыні да 195 см. Эквівалент UK-XL.

Кіраўніцтва па параўнанні памераў:

Каб забяспечыць найлепшую пасадку, мы прывялі параўнанне са стандартнымі памерамі Вялікабрытаніі. Першы памер у спісе - гэта памер на этыкетцы худзі, а апошні памер - гэта яго эквівалент у Вялікабрытаніі. Гэта кіраўніцтва прызначана для таго, каб дапамагчы вам выбраць ідэальны варыянт для максімальнага камфорту і стылю.

Акуніцеся ў мяккія абдымкі аксамітнага худзі BlasterMasters Signature Velvet, дзе раскоша сустракаецца з нязмушанай элегантнасцю.

M 170 - ВЫСОКАЯ 88А 88см грудзі 34,6 цаляў Вялікабрытанія-S
L 175 - ВЫСОКАЯ 92А 92см грудзі 36,2 цаляў Вялікабрытанія - М
XL 180 - ВЫСОКАЯ 96А 96см грудзі 38 цаляў УК-М
4XL 195-ВЫСОКІ 108А Грудзі 108 см 42,5 цаляў Вялікабрытанія - XL
Tactical Specs:
  • Package Includes
  • Features
  • Dimensions
  • Performance
  • Special Features

No package details available.

Regular price £29.99
Regular price Sale price £29.99
Sale Sold out
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We are committed to supplying only the best in high-performance GelBlasters for adult enthusiasts.

Each of our models is designed with the highest standards of power and accuracy in mind, ensuring that you can dominate the battlefield with confidence. Can't find what you’re looking for, or need advice on upgrading your current setup? Our expert team is here to help with personalized recommendations and insights into the latest industry trends. Step up your game with Blaster Masters, where elite performance meets professional craftsmanship.

Product Warranty

  • 30-Day Coverage: Enjoy a comprehensive 30-day warranty on all GelBlasters
  • Exclusions Apply: Our warranty does not cover damage resulting from misuse, accidents, or unauthorized modifications
  • Easy Claim Process: Should you encounter any issues, our hassle-free claim process is designed for quick resolutions

What you need to know before purchasing:

The information below provides a more in-depth look at UK laws regarding owning and using a Gelsoft Skirmish Series gun


What is it?
The Violent Crime Reduction Act (2006) (VCRA) is part of the UK legal system that covers a range of issues including alcohol, firearms and a number of other miscellaneous legal issues. For our purposes, we are focusing is on the Act's provisions for Realistic Imitation Firearms (also known as RIFs) and the legal bases for purchase, sale and ownership. It is important to understand this act and the measures we have in place to ensure that we are in compliance and that you have a smooth transaction with us.

Realistic Imitation Firearms
A RIF (Realistic Imitation Firearm) is any item which looks like a real firearm when viewed from a short distance away by a person without any specialist knowledge." This means that any item that looks like a real firearm, regardless of if it's working or not that 'could' be a real gun is defined as a RIF and falls under some specific controls and regulations. RIFs are possible to own and use if certain conditions are met

What are the conditions for buying, owning and using a RIF?

RIFs can only be sold if it is to be used for certain permitted purposes and activities. This includes historical re-enactment and skirmishing.
They must only be purchased by someone over the age of 18.

What are the conditions for selling a RIF?
For us to be able to sell you a Gelsoft Skirmish Series gun we have to inform you of the legal requirements and for you to confirm that you understand all of the conditions indicated above. During the checkout process, you are required to tick the relevant boxes to indicate to us that you acknowledge these responsibilities.

Permitted Activities
Permitted activities are the use cases for these items that comply with the VCRA (Violent Crime Reduction Act). The specific definition given in the act is as follows.

“The acting out of military or law enforcement scenarios for the purposes of recreation."

This is primarily intended to cover those who wish to engage in 'skirmishing' activities. This is where individuals or teams attempt to fire at the opposing team in order to hit them before they themselves are hit. Essentially acting out a military or police encounter, though, the rules on this can vary from game to game.

So, where should you use a Gelsoft Skirmish Series RIF?

First, it's important to remember that RIFs can not be used or taken into public places, and must only be used on private land where you have permission from, or are the land owner. Using a realistic imitation firearm in public can and will get you arrested, is not sensible and is more than likely to cause alarm to the general public. As a general rule, they are best kept at home, at organised skirmish activities or re-enactments.


Gelsoft guns should NOT be used in circumstances where alarm or distress may be caused to others. Remember, it is an offence to have any type of imitation firearm in a public place without a reasonable excuse and you may be arrested. By purchasing Skirmish Series guns from Gelsoft you are confirming that you have read, understood and will comply with these conditions of sale and that these items will be used for permitted purposes in compliance with the law."