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WD PDX Gel BlasterName

WD PDX Gel BlasterName

Адчуйце вострыя адчуванні ад гелевай ачысткі з WD PDX Gel Blaster, цудам дакладнай канструкцыі, прызначаным для энтузіястаў, якія шукаюць неперасягненую прадукцыйнасць і надзейнасць. Маючы надзейную металічную канструкцыю і пашыраныя функцыі, WD PDX гатовы ўзначаліць атаку і дамагчыся перамогі на полі бітвы з гелевай апрацоўкай.

Неперасягненая трываласць і прадукцыйнасць

WD PDX Gel Blaster задае новы стандарт даўгавечнасці і прадукцыйнасці, спалучаючы высакаякасныя металічныя кампаненты з інавацыйным дызайнам, каб гарантаваць, што вы дамінуеце ў кожнай сустрэчы. Яго памер можна рэгуляваць у дыяпазоне 54-63 см, каб адпавядаць розным карыстальнікам, у той час як чыстая вага ўсяго 1300 г забяспечвае манеўранасць без шкоды для адчування трываласці суцэльнаметалічнай канструкцыі.

Асноўныя характарыстыкі:

  • Рэгуляваны памер для камфорту: Адаптуйце даўжыню вашага бластэра да 54-63 см, каб знайсці ідэальную пасадку, павялічваючы кантроль і камфорт.
  • Лёгкі і трывалы: Пры чыстай вазе 1300 г атрымлівайце асалоду ад значным, але спрытным вопытам выкарыстання.
  • Надзейная металічная канструкцыя: ключавыя кампаненты выраблены з трывалага металу, у тым ліку шасцярэнькі, поршні, перамыкачы, балты, каўпачкі і прыклады, што гарантуе, што ваш бластэр вытрымае жорсткія напружаныя баі.
  • Надзейнае сілкаванне: WD PDX Gel Blaster, абсталяваны разеткай акумулятара 7,4 В XT30, забяспечвае пастаяннае і надзейнае сілкаванне для пастаяннай працы.
  • Дакладная тэхніка: Распрацаваны з увагай да дэталяў, WD PDX Gel Blaster забяспечвае дакладнасць і эфектыўнасць з вялізнымі 260 FPS, што робіць яго магутным супернікам у любым сцэнарыі.
  • Скрынка перадач Gen8.
  • FPS: 250

Ваш саюзнік у гелевых прыгодах

Незалежна ад таго, удзельнічаеце вы ў спаборніцтвах з высокімі стаўкамі, атрымліваеце асалоду ад выпадковых сутычак або практыкуеце свае навыкі, WD PDX Gel Blaster - ваш ідэальны партнёр. Яго найвышэйшая канструкцыя і прадукцыйнасць забяспечваюць вам тактычную перавагу, робячы кожны стрэл важным і кожны бой запамінальным.

З упэўненасцю ступіце ў свет гелевай ачысткі, маючы WD PDX Gel Blaster. З яго беспрэцэдэнтнай трываласцю, наладжвальным памерам і высокай прадукцыйнасцю вы не проста экіпіраваны; вы ўпаўнаважаны. Гатовы пакінуць свой след на полі бою?

Tactical Specs:
  • Package Includes
  • Features
  • Dimensions
  • Performance
  • Special Features
  • WD PDX Gel Blaster
  • 7.4V XT30 battery and charger
  • High-capacity magazine
  • Protective eyewear
  • Instruction manual
  • 10 000 gel balls
Regular price £99.99
Regular price Sale price £99.99
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Safety Warning:

  • Not suitable for children under 14 years
  • Do not aim at eyes or face
  • Use under adult supervision
  • Always wear protective eyewear


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We are committed to supplying only the best in high-performance GelBlasters for adult enthusiasts.

Each of our models is designed with the highest standards of power and accuracy in mind, ensuring that you can dominate the battlefield with confidence. Can't find what you’re looking for, or need advice on upgrading your current setup? Our expert team is here to help with personalized recommendations and insights into the latest industry trends. Step up your game with Blaster Masters, where elite performance meets professional craftsmanship.

Recommended Game Types:

  • Tactical Combat Simulations: Ideal for players looking to engage in realistic, military-style combat scenarios.
  • Competitive Matches: Perfect for high-stakes competitions where performance and reliability are crucial.
  • Casual Skirmishes: Suitable for friendly, informal battles with friends and family.
  • Skill Development: Great for practicing and honing your shooting skills in a controlled environment.
  • Scenario-Based Play: Perfect for immersive, scenario-based games where strategy and precision are key.

Product Warranty

  • 30-Day Coverage: Enjoy a comprehensive 30-day warranty on all GelBlasters
  • Exclusions Apply: Our warranty does not cover damage resulting from misuse, accidents, or unauthorized modifications
  • Easy Claim Process: Should you encounter any issues, our hassle-free claim process is designed for quick resolutions

Safety Info

Gel Blasters Safety Information

Warning: Keep Out of Reach of Children

Important Safety Information:

  1. Swallowing Hazard: Gel balls are not meant to be swallowed. Ingesting gel balls can pose a serious health risk and may be subject to legal consequences. It is a criminal offense to carry an imitation firearm in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

  2. Swelling Properties: Gel balls have the ability to swell when exposed to water. This is a normal characteristic of the product. However, they should not be ingested, and improper use may result in legal consequences.

  3. Adult Supervision is Required: Gel blasters and accessories should only be used under the supervision of responsible adults. Adults should educate users about the proper handling and potential legal implications associated with gel blasters.

  4. Proper Storage: Keep gel blasters and gel balls out of reach of children when not in use. Store them in a secure and dry place, preferably in a locked container. Failure to store imitation firearms securely may result in legal consequences.

In Case of Swallowing:

  1. Seek Medical Attention Immediately: If gel balls are accidentally swallowed, seek immediate medical attention. Do not wait for symptoms to appear. Inform medical professionals about the nature of the product.

  2. Do Not Induce Vomiting: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical professionals. Immediate medical attention is crucial in case of ingestion. Failure to handle imitation firearms responsibly may result in legal consequences.

Gel Blaster Usage Guidelines:

  1. Read and Follow Instructions: Always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use and maintenance of gel blasters. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in legal consequences.

  2. Protective Gear: Use appropriate eye protection and other safety gear while operating gel blasters. Eye protection is essential to prevent injury from projectiles. Failure to use protective gear responsibly may result in legal consequences.

  3. Legal Compliance: Ensure strict compliance with local laws and regulations regarding the use, possession, and transportation of gel blasters. Check for age restrictions, as well as specific requirements for carrying and using imitation firearms in public places.

High-Powered Gel Blasters Safety Information for Responsible Adult Users

Warning: Adult Use Only

Important Safety Information:

  1. Powerful Performance: These high-powered gel blasters are designed for adult use and deliver increased performance. Users must be responsible, experienced, and aware of potential risks associated with higher FPS.

  2. FPS Awareness: Understand and adhere to local laws and regulations regarding FPS limits for gel blasters. Comply with any restrictions on the power output of gel blasters in your area.

  3. Swelling Properties: Gel balls have the ability to swell when exposed to water. While this is a normal characteristic, it's crucial to use them responsibly to avoid misuse that could lead to legal consequences.

  4. Responsible Storage: Store high-powered gel blasters securely in a dry place when not in use. Always use a lockable container to prevent unauthorized access. Failure to store these powerful devices responsibly may have legal implications.

In Case of Swallowing:

  1. Seek Medical Attention Immediately: If gel balls are accidentally swallowed, seek immediate medical attention. Provide medical professionals with as much information as possible about the nature of the product.

  2. Do Not Induce Vomiting: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical professionals. Immediate medical attention is crucial in case of ingestion.

Gel Blaster Usage Guidelines:

  1. Read and Follow Instructions: Strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use and maintenance of high-powered gel blasters. Failure to do so may lead to misuse and legal consequences.

  2. FPS Compliance: Be aware of the FPS regulations in your area and ensure your gel blaster complies with these limits. Responsible use is essential to avoid legal complications.

  3. Protective Gear: Always use appropriate protective gear, including eye protection, when operating high-powered gel blasters. Proper gear is crucial for personal safety and compliance with regulations.

  4. Close-Range Use: Avoid shooting at close range, especially towards the face or head. Gel blasters should be used responsibly, and intentional close-range shots may cause harm.

  5. Intimidation: Never use high-powered gel blasters for intimidation or threatening purposes. Misuse of these devices may result in legal consequences.

  6. Legal Awareness: Stay informed about local laws and regulations regarding the use, possession, and transportation of high-powered gel blasters. Responsible use is not only about personal safety but also about legal compliance.