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11.1v 2000mAh 30c Lithium bateria:

11.1v 2000mAh 30c Lithium bateria:

Unleash the potential of your favorite RC devices, drones, or gadgets with the high-performance 11.1V 552075 2000mAh 30C 22.2Wh Lithium Battery. Designed for enthusiasts and hobbyists, this battery pack provides the perfect blend of power and reliability to fuel your adventures. Key features include high voltage power of 11.1V, a generous 2000mAh capacity for extended runtimes, a high discharge rate of 30C for powerful bursts, and a compact and lightweight design for easy installation and portability. Elevate your hobbies and adventures with the 11.1V 552075 2000mAh 30C 22.2Wh Lithium Battery. It's the perfect power source to keep your devices running at their best.

Tactical Specs:

  • Package Includes
  • Features
  • Dimensions
  • Performance
  • Special Features
  • 1 x 11.1V 552075 2000mAh 30C 22.2Wh Lithium Battery
Regular price £12.99
Regular price Sale price £12.99
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Zure RC gailu gogokoen potensiala edo gauzak errendimendu handiko 11.1V 2000mAh 30C bateriarekin. Entuziasten eta hobbistarentzat diseinatua. Bateriako pakete honek boterea eta fidagarritasun perfektua eskaintzen du zure abenturak hartzeko.

Gakoaren eginbideak:

  • Bolotazio altua: 11.1V voltage balioak ziurtatzen du zure gailuek erabiltzeko behar dutenak jasotzea.
  • Edukiera handia: 2000mAh ahalmen eskuzabalarekin, litioaren bateria honek denbora luzeak eskaintzen ditu zure RC autoetan eta beste gauza batzuentzat.
  • Deskargaren emaria: 30C deskargatze-emariak energia irakurtzen du behar denean, eskabide altuen aplikazioentzat ideala bihurtzea.
  • Trinko eta argia: tamaina trinkoak eta diseinu arinak instalatzea eta eramatea erraza egiten dute, Zure abentura guztietan erraza ziurtatzen.
  • Bateragarritasuna: RC autoetan, droneki edo gailu elektroniko batzuetan zauden, bateria hau aplikazio-barruti oso batekin bateragarria da.
  • Errendimendu fidagarria: kontatu litioaren bateria honetan errendimendu sendo eta fidagarriagatik. Zure autoa lasterka ari zaren edo aire-fotografiak harrapatzen dituzu.

    Altuago zure opariak eta abenturak Lithium 30C bateriarekin 11.1V 2000mAh 30C. Botere iturria da zure gailuak onenean gordetzeko, inoiz ez duzula ziurtatzea. Berritu bateria, altxatu esperientzia, eta prestatu amaigabeko dibertigarria eta abentura!

    View full details

    Key Benefits:

    High voltage power for superior device performance

    Ample 2000mAh capacity for extended runtimes

    High discharge rate of 30C for powerful bursts

    Compact and lightweight design for easy installation and portability

    Versatile compatibility with a wide range of applications

    Battery Voltage Capacity (mAh) Discharge Rate (C) Maximum Current Output (A) Ideal For
    7.4V 1000 20C 20A Standard blasters, entry-level
    7.4V 1500 25C 37.5A Intermediate blasters, moderate upgrades
    7.4V 2000 30C 60A Advanced blasters, heavy upgrades
    11.1V 1000 20C 20A Enhanced speed and response, entry-level
    11.1V 1500 25C 37.5A High speed, moderate upgrades
    11.1V 2000 30C 60A Peak performance, competitive use

    Product Warranty

    • 30-Day Coverage: Enjoy a comprehensive 30-day warranty on all GelBlasters
    • Exclusions Apply: Our warranty does not cover damage resulting from misuse, accidents, or unauthorized modifications
    • Easy Claim Process: Should you encounter any issues, our hassle-free claim process is designed for quick resolutions

    "Keep Blasting, Longer!"

    Battery Care

    Battery health is crucial for the longevity and reliability of your electronic devices. Properly testing your batteries can prevent potential failures, ensuring that your devices run smoothly and safely. Whether you're using 3.7V, 7.4V, or 11.1V batteries, understanding their voltage levels can help you determine their charge status and overall health.

    Safety Precautions in Battery Testing

    Before diving into the testing process, it's important to prioritize safety:

    • Always wear safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself.
    • Conduct tests in a well-ventilated area to avoid any risks associated with battery fumes.
    • Never attempt to test a damaged or leaking battery; this can pose serious hazards.

    Tools Required for Battery Testing

    To get started, you'll need a few basic tools:

    • A reliable digital multimeter set to the DC Voltage (V) mode.
    • A clean and stable work surface to ensure accurate readings.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Testing Your Batteries

    1. Setting Up Your Multimeter: Ensure your multimeter is correctly set to measure DC Voltage.
    2. Testing the Battery: Connect the multimeter probes to the battery terminals—red to positive and black to negative—and read the voltage.

    Deciphering Battery Voltage Readings

    Understanding the voltage readings is key to assessing your battery's health:

    • 3.7V Batteries:

      • Full Charge: 4.2V
      • Nominal: 3.7V
      • Discharged: Below 3.0V
    • 7.4V Batteries:

      • Full Charge: 8.4V
      • Nominal: 7.4V
      • Discharged: Below 6.0V
    • 11.1V Batteries:

      • Full Charge: 12.6V
      • Nominal: 11.1V
      • Discharged: Below 9.0V

    Troubleshooting: What to Do If a Cell Is Down or Voltage Is Low

    If you notice a cell in your battery pack showing significantly lower voltage or if the overall voltage is persistently low, it's an indication that the battery may be failing or is already damaged. In such cases, professional assessment or replacement is recommended.

    Enhancing Your Battery Testing Knowledge

    By following this guide, you'll be well-equipped to test and understand the health of your 3.7V, 7.4V, and 11.1V batteries. Regular testing and maintenance can significantly extend the life and performance of your batteries, ensuring your devices run efficiently.

    Stay tuned for more insights and tips from Blaster Masters on maintaining optimal battery health for all your electronic devices!