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140N errendimenduaren galeko bola gogorrak | 50 k tubo

140N errendimenduaren galeko bola gogorrak | 50 k tubo

Dominate the gel blasting field with our 50,000 pack of premium, harder gel balls. Engineered for peak performance with 60N hardness, these eco-friendly, biodegradable ammo are perfect for enthusiasts seeking precision, durability, and uninterrupted action.


  • Quantity: 50
  • 000 gel balls per tub
  • Hardness: 140N for exceptional durability and resilience
  • Compatibility: Suitable for all leading high-performance blaster brands
  • Eco-Friendly: Made from biodegradable materials
  • Precision Engineering: Ensures smooth operation and enhanced gameplay

Package Includes

  • 1 x GelSoft Tub containing 50,000 Harder Gel Balls (140N Hardness)
Regular price £14.99
Regular price Sale price £14.99
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Safety Warning:

  • Not suitable for children under 14 years
  • Do not aim at eyes or face
  • Use under adult supervision
  • Always wear protective eyewear

Gel-jauziak azkar ebaluatu da atzealdeko jarduera batetik kirola lehiaketa batera. ez bakarrik trebetasuna eta estrategia, baizik eta gai hoberena ere, batez ere munizioari dagokionean. Sartu 50.000 gel bola gogorragoen premium paketea. joko-aldatzaile batek ez dute ezertarako egokitzen, errendimendu eta fidagarritasunean izan ezik.

Konpromision gabeko kalitatea

Gel bola hauek ez dira zure munizio arruntak. 140N gogortasun ikaragarri batekin, iraunkorra eta iraunkorra eskaintzeko. zure joko-jokoa eten gabe geratzen da, hausteak edo inkonsistentziak.

Amaigabeko ekintzaren kopuru handia

50.000 gel bola eskuzabalak esan nahi du beti izango zarela. saio luzeetan ari zaren edo lehiaketa lehiaketa. Abondatu honek zure estrategia eta trebetasunean zentratu ahal izango duzula ziurtatzen du, muniziak amaitzeaz kezkatu baino.

Zehaztasuna eta bateragarritasuna: irabazlearen konbinazioa

Optimizatuta, optimizatuta, gel bola horiek eragiketa leun eta joko-jokoa bermatzen dute. Ingeniaritza prestua eta kalitatearen kontrol-prozesu zorrotzak ziurtatzen dute zehaztasun eta koherentzia guztiekin. Zenbaki guztiak egiten ditu.

Kontzientzia eta egitekoa

Inguruko erantzukizuna garrantzitsua den aro batean, gel-poti horiek ez bakarrik beren errendimenduarentzat, baizik eta euren egoerako diseinua ere agertzen dira. Material biodegradagarriekin eginez, ekintza bizkorra eskaintzen dute inguruko balioei konpromiso gabe.

Altuera berrietan

Ez duzu lehiaketa lehiatzeko prest edo trebetasunak onartzen. zaletasun altuko bola horiek zure adiskide ideala dira, zure arsenala goratzeko eta garaipenaren zirrara emateko aginduz. Koalitatezko munizioak egin dezakeen aldea eta errendimendu berri batean sartu dezakeen.

Kontsioa: Gel Blastingen banku berri bat.

50.000 Gel-ballen paketeak berehala jartzen du bereizketaren munduan. fidagarritasuna eta balioa. Aldatu munizio premiazkoetara eta bihurtu jokoa tiro guztiekin.


  • Nola hobetzen dute 140N gel bola gogorragoek jokoa? Beren gogortasunak eragin eta iraunkorra handiagoa ematen du, hausteak murrizten eta jokoaren esperientzia orokorra hobetzen.

  • Gel bola hauek egokiak dira gel-laurrak guztientzat? Bai, eragiketa leun eta eraginkorrak ziurtatzen dituzte.

  • Nola gordeko ditut gel bolak haien kalitatea mantentzeko? Gorde itzazue eguzkiaren argitik zuzeneko leku hotz lehor batean, beren gogortasuna eta errendimendua gordetzeko.

  • Gel bola hauek inguruan erabil daitezke? Horrela, iraunkorrak egokiak egiten ditu egokitzen dira, barruko arenetik kanpoko eremuetara.

  • Zergatik dira gel-ball horiek ego-kontzaileak? Materia biodegradagarrietatik egindakoak dira, inguruneari kalte egin gabe berez hautsi egiten dituztela ziurtatzeko.


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Key Benefits:

Superior hardness for improved impact and durability

Massive quantity for extended gameplay

Optimized for high-performance blasters

Biodegradable for environmentally conscious gaming

Consistent size and shape for reliable performance

140n Harder Performance Gels are designed for enthusiasts who demand the best in accuracy, velocity, and overall performance. With a unique formulation that emphasizes hardness and resilience, these gels are your ticket to a superior gel blasting experience

Recommended Game Types:

  • Competitive Gel Blasting
  • Tactical Training
  • Recreational Skirmishes
  • Team-Based Tournaments
  • High-Intensity Gameplay

Product Warranty

  • 30-Day Coverage: Enjoy a comprehensive 30-day warranty on all GelBlasters
  • Exclusions Apply: Our warranty does not cover damage resulting from misuse, accidents, or unauthorized modifications
  • Easy Claim Process: Should you encounter any issues, our hassle-free claim process is designed for quick resolutions

Pro Gel Balls

Are you ready to take your gel blaster experience to the next level? Look no further than our exclusive line of ultra-durable hard gel balls. Designed to withstand intense battles and provide unparalleled performance, our 60N and 140N versions are the choice of champions.

Why Harder Orbies?

  • Extreme Durability: Our hard gel balls are tougher and more resilient than standard gel balls, ensuring they can withstand the rigors of intense gameplay.

  • Precision Engineering: Each ball is carefully crafted for consistent size and shape, guaranteeing reliable firing and accuracy every time.

  • Extended Shelf Life: With proper storage, our hard gel balls boast a shelf life of 3 to 4 weeks, giving you ample time to prepare for your next adventure.

How to Prepare Your Harder pro Gel Balls

  1. Soaking: Place the hard gel balls in water and let them soak for a minimum of 8 hours. Stir the water every hour to ensure all balls are fully hydrated.

  2. Oil Addition: After 4 hours of soaking, add oil to the water to enhance the durability of the gel balls. This step is crucial for maximizing their lifespan and performance.

  3. Storage: Once fully expanded, transfer the gel balls to a suitable container. Leave them damp with a small amount of water in the bottom, ensuring they stay hydrated and ready for action.

  4. Shelf Life: Remember to store your hard gel balls in a cool, dark location to maintain their quality. With proper care, you can enjoy peak performance for weeks on end.

Unleash the Pro, with Hard Gel Balls

Experience the thrill of unstoppable firepower with our premium hard gel balls. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the gel blaster scene, our 60N and 140N versions are sure to impress. Elevate your gameplay and dominate the battlefield with the toughest gel balls around.

How to Use Gel Balls:

Hydration Matters:

  • Start by ensuring your gel balls are fully hydrated. Place them in a container of clean water for 4 hours min or overnight, allowing them to absorb water and expand to their optimal size.
  • Drain off water then apply small bottle of fluid to balls to ensure longevity.

2. Loading Your Gel Blaster:

  • Once your gel balls are properly hydrated, it's time to load them into your gel blaster.
  • Once in mag, shake the mag, then check level.
  • load mag into gun and then prime gun, this may take a few shots to prime.

3. Safety Gear:

  • Before you embark on your gel blaster journey, don't forget to gear up with safety equipment. Eye protection and appropriate clothing are essential to keep the fun safe.

4. Aiming and Shooting:

  • Hold your gel blaster with a firm grip and take aim at your target. Squeeze the trigger gently to release a gel ball. Keep practicing to improve your accuracy and precision.

5. Range Enhancement:

  • If you're looking to extend your gel ball range, consider upgrading your gel blaster with performance enhancements like better springs, barrels, or motors. These modifications can help you become a gel ball sharpshooter.

6. Maintenance:

  • After your gel blaster session, remember to clean and maintain your gear. Rinse out your gel blaster to remove any residual gel fragments, and store it in a safe, dry place.

7. Responsible Play:

  • Always play responsibly and follow local regulations. Gel blasters are designed for fun, but it's essential to be considerate of others and respect private property.

By following these steps and tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of gel ball play and enjoying endless hours of excitement with your gel blaster. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our Blaster Masters team. We're here to ensure your gel blaster experience is filled with fun and satisfaction.